Voyages of Golden eye QCYC Toronto

Thursday, December 08, 2005

2. Preparation

There is the stuff you expect: cleaning, polishing, varnishing, painting the bottom;
and then there is the unexpected.

The electric fuel pump has burst its diaphragm and refuses to deliver fuel to the engine. The holding tank for the marine toilet seems to be under some sort of pressure and won’t accept any contributions.

“No Sir, they don’t even make that fuel pump any more.”
The new model is, of course, completely different and this means rearranging all the fuel lines and the wiring. It turns out that a mud wasp has sealed the holding tank vent so tightly that it takes a whole day to chip out the little architect’s cement.

But it is warm and dry and we have lots of good company in the yard including old QCYC members Irmgard and Ron Cameron (who had the Alberg 30 ‘Rough Bounds’) and Robin and Mike Skinner (who, way back, had the wooden folk boat ‘Banyana’) here seen with Moya celebrating the day’s minor triumphs. And although Indiantown is a bit rough it has the Seminole Inn. This elegant mansion was built by a railway baron in 1920. His niece Wallis came to the opening. She was married to a sailor at the time but later moved up market a bit and became the Duchess of Windsor.


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